A healthy diet is a big part of the yoga practice and your overall wellness routine. Studies show that plant based lifestyles are among the healthiest for the human body. Plant based eating is also a big part of yoga’s ethical practice.
So we decided to create an event where non vegans can explore something new and try some amazing food and where vegans can look at a potluck situation and relax, knowing they can eat everything!
Since February of 2019 we have been hosting a vegan potluck each quarter. These gatherings are fun, free and open to everyone, you don’t have to be a vegan or even practice with us to join in. Occasionally we have wellness speakers or authors at these events, but there are always fun themes and great conversation! We make these accessible, they are totally family friendly.
So check out the schedule and make your favorite vegan dish! We always need help setting up and cleaning up if you have the gift of time it’s much appreciated.
Winter Vegan Potluck February 8th 2025 6pm
Winter is a time for warm clothes, warm evenings by the fire and comfort food!
This potluck theme is comfort food. The challenge will be to veganize your favorite winter comfort food. We will have bowls for soup at this one. Its going to be a feast of food that makes us all feel warm inside!
Each dish should feed a minimum of 4 people. If you do not like to cook, you are welcome to buy a vegan dish to bring…or buy something and put it in a container from home and claim it…
Please sign up so we know how many to expect!
Spring Vegan Picnic Potluck May 10th 2025 2:30pm
Our Picnic Potlucks are SO much fun! We rent a picnic area at the Mar Vista Park at the corner of Palms and Sawtelle. Invite your friends and family for a fun afternoon with great food, games, and fun people.
Spring is a time for growth as we come out of the colder less active winter months and prepare for the active season of Summer.
This vegan potluck theme will be around your favorite spring foods. The challenge is to veganize the dish around the bright flavors of spring! We provide the beverages.
Each dish should feed a minimum of 4 people. If you do not like to cook, you are welcome to buy a vegan dish to bring…or buy something and put it in a container from home and claim it…
Summer Vegan Picnic Potluck August 16th 2025 2:30pm
Come Celebrate!
This month our Vegan Potluck will be about summer celebration foods as we return to Mar Vista Park for another amazing RDY summer picnic! So veganize your favorite summer picnic dish! We have a great afternoon planned and are looking forward to seeing everyone who has found community here at RDY over the years! Bring family and friends and enjoy a classic vegan summer picnic with us!
Please sign up below so we know how many tables and chairs to order. Also we will supply drinks plates, etc as usual! If you are able to help set up or clean up its much appreciated.
Holiday Theme Vegan Potluck November 15th 2025 6pm

We all have a few recipes that we associate with various holidays, celebrations and gatherings. For this potluck, the challenge will be to veganize your favorite holiday dish. It can be from any holiday, any time of the year, anywhere in the world! You can do a starter, main, or desert, its all up to you and your creativity. So have fun with it and come sample what everyone else makes too!
Each dish should feed a minimum of 4 people. If you do not like to cook, you are welcome to buy a vegan dish to bring…or buy something and put it in a container from home and claim it…
Please sign up so that we have a head count.
Potluck FAQ’s
Do I have to be a vegan to attend?
No! The food you bring has to be 100% vegan but you do not. Everyone is welcome and will feel comfortable. This is about sharing amazing food and trying something new! Most people attending are not full-time vegans, but enjoy incorporating some healthy plant based meals into their routine.
What should I bring besides my food?
You should bring whatever you need to serve your dish and write down the name of the dish and recipe so we can place it next to the food. That way if someone wants to try the recipe they can take a quick photo of it!
We supply the beverages, plates, napkins and utensils.
What are some tips for veganizing non vegan recipes?
For most recipes there are straight forward vegan replacements. In our experience there are some things that work better than others.
Mayonnaise can be replaced with Veganaise with little or no flavor change to the dish. The original blue one is the best in mayo heavy dishes in terms of getting the flavor close.
We like Tofutti brand vegan sour cream and cream cheese for most recipes it especially cooks well in hot dishes. But they all the brands.
Earth Balance makes a great line up of stick butter. The original is best for savory recipes but we have found that the “soy free” version is best for cookies and baking. If butter is central to a baking recipe it’s not a bad idea to spring for the Mykonos.
Eggs can be replaced in many ways and many vegan baking recipes will substitute with some sort of fruit or starch. If you working with a non vegan recipe or are baking something like a cookie recipe and just need a binder, we use the egg replacer from Bob’s Red Mill. It works really well and wont alter the flavor profile. You can use tofu for many things like egg salad, and of course things like Just Egg are even able to be scrambled. Tip: if you want egg flavor season your tofu or Just Egg with Black Salt!
Milk is easy, there are options such as soy, almond, coconut, and oat. They all work just be sure its not flavored or sweetened or else it will not work in your recipe. Unflavored and unsweetened almond mile for example can be use 1 for 1 in any recipe with little or no change.
What is the attire?
Casual! a) its LA; and b) its a yoga center
How long will this last?
We try not to put a hard stop on these so people can stay as long as they would like. Generally we wrap up around 8:00 or so. But you can leave anytime its a casual event. If we have a speaker or programing we usually start that around 7.
What is Vegan?
A vegan dish contains no animal products whatsoever. It does not have animal fat, butter, milk, cheese, eggs, honey, etc. This includes chicken, fish, cow, goat and all other types of animal. It’s just plants and can include things like plant based “buttery spread”, almond, oat or soy “milk”, vegan “mayonnaise”, vegan “cheeses” made from cashew, soy, almond and other nuts, and much more.