Are you a yoga teacher wanting to add somatic breath work to your class offerings? Then this Breathwork Training intensive program is right for you.
Join Robert Bahedry for an amazing 3 level journey into the world of breath and the power of release from this intense three part somatic breathing technique. You will learn to create a safe space for your students, hone your intuition and be prepared to guide people on a healing journey riding the breath.

During this 3 level course you will learn to prepare a space for the practice in a mindful and thoughtful way, plan music that will enhance the breath experience with rhythm and intensity, and prepare your students for the experience. You will learn the science behind this type of breathing practice and how it is similar and different from other breath techniques. You will learn to identify students who are struggling, understand common contraindications and maintain a safe environment for your students.
You will hone your intuition and develop a deeper understanding of what your students may experience and where they might find an intense release, In this program Robert will use his years of education and experience to provide a firm foundation to help develop the healing skills you already possess and to understand the process that is occurring for your students. You do the practice daily and experience it inside your own body and mind.
Upon completion of Level 3 training you will be ready for the practicum. As in all of our Yoga School programs you will have an opportunity to put your new skills to work in the classroom through a breath work community class rotation under the supervision of your mentor. Taking what you have learned and combining it with your classroom management skills will give you the confidence to lead this healing practice on your own in a short period of time for private lessons or public practice.
Facilitator Level 1

The first level of your fully certified breathwork facilitator journey begins with this fully guided, 2-day, hands-on, experiential teacher training intensive. You will learn the fundamentals of becoming a Breathwork practitioner and how to facilitate one-on-one sessions with poise and confidence. Here is some of what’s covered over the course of these two days:
Breathwork! What is this ancient, 3-part, pranayama yoga, active, breathing meditation technique – the tool at the core of this work?
o The science behind Breathwork, and how it clears stuck energy in the energetic bodies (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual).
o The most common responses – physically and emotionally – a client may have as they do this work – including explaining what Tetany is and what causes it.
o Why it’s important to develop a consistent personal Breathwork practice yourself, i.e., healing yourself so you can help others heal.
o Creating a sacred, safe, and comfortable space for your client and the tools you have at your disposal (e.g., smudging with sage or Palo Santo) to clear your working space from any stuck/negative energy.
o What ‘holding space’ means, how to do it, and how to create boundaries to protect you and your client throughout this process.
o Breathwork demonstration starting with the ‘intake’, i.e., the pre-breathwork conversation with a client, setting intentions, and what to talk about after the session.
o Facilitating a Breathwork session yourself with a partner (there will be a couple of these over the 5-hour training).
o Journaling exercises to develop intuition and connection.
o Extensive group discussions about healing work in general and Breathwork specifically.
o Holding yourself to the highest moral and ethical standards.
o Additional tools: using music/sound (drums, gongs, crystal bowls, rain sticks, etc.) as tools for healing.
o The 7 Chakras and how Breathwork can be used to clear/balance these energy centers.
o Mindset work and addressing disempowering beliefs and self-sabotaging behavior.
o The Universal Law of Vibration and how it applies to healing/manifestation.
o The Universal Law of Perpetual Transmutation and how it applies to healing.
o The principle of Entrainment and how raising one vibrational frequency heals our energetic bodies.
- Exchange (financial or some other form).
- Self-love.
Facilitator Level 2

In this Level Two fully supported, 2-day, hands-on, experiential teacher training you will build on the basics of becoming a Breathwork practitioner and facilitating one-on-one sessions, plus you’ll learn how to work with couples and groups. Level One training is a prerequisite for this training. Over the course of this weekend training, here is some of what’s covered:
Brief review the material covered in Level 1.
o Demonstration of a full one-on-one session.
o Further developing your intuition and learning to trust it.
o A deeper dive into self-love and exchange.
o Facilitating Breathwork sessions for couples (life partners and/or family members).
o What’s your love language?
o Creating a sacred, safe, and comfortable space for your clients.
o Discussing and deciding on a communication style.
o Tools to clear your working space from any stuck/negative energy.
o Using sound energy to enhance the Breathwork experience (music, drums, sound bowls, gongs, rain sticks, didgeridoos, etc.)
o The art of listening (and not just getting ready to formulate a response).
o How and when to use essential oils + crystals in the Breathwork experience.
o Breathwork for chakras clearing and balancing.
o Opening, facilitating, and closing a group session (Healing Circle).
o Setting intentions in a Healing Circle.
Come with an open mind and an open heart and learn how to heal yourself, deepen your own Breathwork practice and, in the process, acquire the skills, tools and higher levels of intuition to also help others heal through this incredibly powerful healing modality.
Facilitator Level 3

Open your heart, trust your guidance and intuition, and be in alignment with your inner healer.
In this 3rd and final teacher training, you will continue to hone your healing skills, knowledge, and experience as a Breathwork facilitator, teacher, and healer. In addition, we’ll discuss how you can make Breathwork a viable business that can, in the long term, support you spiritually and financially.
Refining you 1:1 and group Breathwork facilitating skills.
o Share more of your experiences practicing on your clients.
o Share some of your experiences during your ‘practicum’ sessions assisting the group Breathwork classes.
o Continuing to develop and trust your intuition.
o Leading the group in a full Chakra clearing/balancing Breathwork session.
o Sharing your tips, techniques, and tools when leading the class and how have you made the way you lead a class your own.
o Staying clear, creating, and maintaining boundaries when working with clients and facilitating groups.
o Open discussion on many topics including:
– How has you own Breathwork practice changed you and your life.
– What are some of things you’ve learned so far from guiding others through their Breathwork journey.
– Where do you feel stuck sometimes when facilitating a session.
– How does group energy/dynamics affect a group session.
o Setting your intentions: for the weekend; for your life as a healer.
o Setting up your alter – staying grounded.
o Making and keeping spirituality is fun!
o Breathwork Q & A about your personal practice as well as your healing work.
You will receive your full certification as a Breathwork practitioner upon the completion of all 3 levels of Breathwork Teacher training and a ‘practicum.’ The practicum consists of helping Robert during 3 breathwork classes at Red Diamond Yoga; first as an assistant, then as co-facilitator, and finally leading a class yourself with Robert assisting you.