Balance your mind/body and improve your health with this 90-day wellness program incorporating Ayurveda, yoga, and practical changes in your daily routine to promote overall wellness.

Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga that focuses on keeping your body and mind in balance through nutrition, lifestyle, and other practices that ensure optimal performance of all your body and mind’s systems. Ayurveda works to find the root cause of illnesses and diseases and to treat that root cause(s) rather than simply alleviating the symptoms.
This 90 Day Wellness Program includes an initial diagnostic consult where you will establish the current condition (Vikruti) of your body/mind compared to its original state and develop a plan to follow in order to return your systems to their optimal function (Prakruti). Additionally, the challenge includes life coaching and counseling (Vedic psychology/psychiatry), overview of your Vedic astrology, Vastu and Yoga practices as the Ayurveda Doctor is trained and experienced in these sister sciences. During this 90-day program you will also receive 3 additional follow up sessions to check in on your progress, answer questions and make any necessary adjustments to your program. This program also includes enrollment in our 10-week Yoga Philosophy and Lifestyle course which will take you on a journey into the first two limbs of yoga, the Yamas and Niyamas along side the students in our 200HR teacher training course!

Your goal will be to develop a deeper understanding your body/mind’s “owner’s manual” and tools to create a sustainable and intentional, daily routine to promote long term health and wellness. It is also important that you maintain open communication with the Ayurveda Doctor throughout the 90 days. Over the course of 90 days this routine will become habit leaving you with a long-term ability to take proper care of your specific body.

During this program you will be encouraged to develop a sustainable daily yoga and meditation practice, other daily movement practices and to set aside time to spend in nature each week. All things that have a positive impact on both your physical and mental health and wellness. You will step back and observe how you spend your down time, sleep patterns, time spent online and on social media, how you treat and arrange the space you live in and much more. All a part of an overall plan toward intentionally living well.
The program starts on February 23rd with your one-on-one intake consultation with Dr Ashwin Kumar and will run through The May 25th. Along the way, in addition to your one-on-one follow ups with Dr. Ashwin, we will be hosting additional workshops, leading group hikes providing an opportunity to immerse in nature and creating a group WhatsApp to chat about progress, perhaps share recipes, and provide support!

The cost of the challenge is $550.00 and includes the diagnostic intake, follow up consultations, complimentary admission to our yoga philosophy course, and related program activities. It does not include, herbal formulas, panchakarma, and/or therapies (should they be prescribed), the cost of yoga classes or special workshops unless noted on the workshop program description.