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+1 (310) 425-8536


[email protected]

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 1PM & 4PM - 8pm

Basics of Holding Space Workshop

with Robert Bahedry

In this fully guided 7-hour hands-on, experiential teacher intensive workshop, you will learn the fundamentals of becoming a Breathwork practitioner and how to create a safe container for your students to grow with poise and confidence. 

Material Covered

  • Breathwork! What is this ancient, 3-part, pranayama yoga, active, breathing meditation technique – the tool at the core of this work?
  • The science behind Breathwork, and how it clears stuck energy in the energetic bodies (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual).
  • The most common responses – physically and emotionally – a client may have as they do this work – including explaining what Tetany is and what causes it.
  • Why it’s important to develop a consistent personal Breathwork practice yourself, i.e., healing yourself so you can help others heal.
  • Creating a sacred, safe, and comfortable space for your client and the tools you have at your disposal (e.g., smudging with sage or Palo Santo) to clear your working space from any stuck/negative energy.
  • What ‘holding space’ means, how to do it, and how to create boundaries to protect you and your client throughout this process.
  • Breathwork demonstration starting with the ‘intake’, i.e., the pre-breathwork conversation with a client, setting intentions, and what to talk about after the session.
  • Facilitating a Breathwork session yourself with a partner (there will be a couple of these over the 5-hour training).

When: Saturday June 3rd, 2023 11:30am-7pm

Where: Red Diamond Yoga Washington

Cost: $300.00